We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the first edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "Mordok"of Aurora Martínez Díaz.
-by Aurora Martínez Díaz-
I walk absorbed by the beauty of the place, I had seen many photos and I had heard a lot about it. But the reality surpasses it.
It is a majestic mountain, transcending the norms of space and time. As you approach it, its majesty overtakes you.
As I usually do, I will take a guided tour. We meet and get started. It doesn't take me long to switch off. I have a strange feeling, of connection with the place, the details of its colours (reds, oranges, blacks...) The first thing I feel is how old it is, the years that have passed for me to see it like this today. Also what it hides, what lies beneath its beauty. The fire, the ash, the fear, the hopes and the lives that it covers.
Suddenly I stop, so much beauty after hundreds of years, it is the heartbreaking daily news from 67 days ago, in another place, not so far away.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!