Assault on the castle
We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe let you enjoy "Asalto al castillo" (Assault on the castle), by Miguel Ángel Rupérez Gargallo.
Assault on the castle
-by Miguel Ángel Rupérez Gargallo-.
An ascent, like an assault, is never improvised. The summit or castle is planned as far as possible, the route to follow, the accumulated difference in altitude, the total distance, the temperature, the weather, the equipment, etc... But there is always something left to chance, to the circumstances of destiny, to the fate that follows us.
Perhaps that is the price of adventure, perhaps that is why our ancestors built dolmens, cromlechs and menhirs, perhaps that is why we are here and now, past the "mouth of hell", in the "crown of the dead" where the invisible forces of the past converge like nowhere else, where magical rituals of another time were performed by men and women unknown today.
And we shout! Get ready, Château d'Acher, because we are coming to your assault; and we will do it without mercy. And this time there will be no avalanche, no blizzard, no avalanche to stop us, this time we will break through your walls and conquer your summit.
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