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    Tall tales II: Authentically

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe let you enjoy "Auténticamente", by Francisco Garcia Ballester.


    -by Francisco Garcia Ballester

    Step by step, it echoed in his head after every tiny bit of progress. Come on, he was "self-motivated". After a few minutes, sometimes hours, his restless mind would begin to boycott. What the hell are you doing out here, all by yourself? You know you could get injured or disoriented? Before long, he was back to his mantra, unappealably: One step at a time. Summer or winter sweat drops, always. Panting breath, muscles on edge, psychologically overwhelmed. Toughness. Turn around, you have nothing to prove, he mumbled to himself. What are you looking for? The top, is the answer
    But is it the summit that determines our success? No. Not at all. We go to the mountain to look for answers to everyday problems, to find ourselves, to balance our jaded soul. On the geodesic you only meet your purest self, your essence. Goodbye ego. Reflection ascending Aneto. Live in freedom, in your own way. Authentically.

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