We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy "Laña", by Carolina Navarro Diestre.
-by Carolina Navarro Diestre
He doesn't know what date it is, 5 January 2000, but he knows what pain is. A minute ago he was slipping on the Pelay Girdle. Now he is in pain because of the tree that has fallen on him.
He doesn't know it, but it is a mountain goat. Nor does she know her name, Laña, or the specific name of her species: bucardo. She does not know it, but she is the last one. But Laña does not gasp to save her species, but in pursuit of her own life. The wound in her side bleeds with every breath. Breathing is hastening her death.
He doesn't know it, but years ago there were thousands of bucardos in these places orphaned of their kind.
She doesn't know it, but she will die in five minutes. She doesn't know it either, but they will find her, they will put her body in an urn, she will remain as a stuffed testimony of her species.
Laña doesn't know and doesn't care. She is dying.
It is a legend.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!