Ce voyage
We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the third edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "Ce voyage"by Xabier Latorre Hurtado.
Ce voyage
-by Xabier Latorre Hurtado-.
We came across it while walking through the little valley of Belagua in Navarre, in the vicinity of the Arrako dolmen. A simple wooden plank stuck into the ground like a menhir. It was carved in simple shapes: a rudimentary rhomboid pattern, with small notches at the intersections that resembled flower petals. The plank was adorned with a dented but still shiny metal sash, a square window at the bottom and a larger, glazed window at the top. I spotted the next landmark in the distance and approached it with rapid strides as my companion, Lola, continued on her way to the hermitage. On this second one, and in such a small size that it was barely distinguishable, a sentence: "Nous avons fait ce voyage pour trouver notre vie".. Then I understood: it was the Route of the Swallows. We too, on a humbler scale, were searching for meaning in our lives among valleys, hills and mountains.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!