GR 11
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Here 🔥We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the third edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "GR 11"by Iván Humanes Bespín.
GR 11
-by Iván Humanes Bespín-.
My husband died a few years ago and we scattered his ashes on the GR11: it was his wish. And there is no one like him to stretch out his huge arms. We walk along his back and the branches of the trees reach up to touch the sky. And since he decided to become a Senda Pirenaica I fear fire. It would devastate his skin. When my children and I set foot on his land, he notices our presence and everything greens up in our wake. The wind blows and we listen to his voice, which is the voice of the path and the snow. If the earth creaks, we return. He must focus on his work. Because keeping alive the eight hundred kilometres of your route, crossing the Pyrenees - from the Cantabrian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea - must not be easy. If it is already complicated to run a house, I can't imagine what it must be like to feed those domains with colours.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!