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    If you look for me

    Tall tales IV If you are looking for me

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the third edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "If you look for me", by Uxue Donezar Hoyos

    If you look for me

    -by Uxue Donezar Hoyos-

    If you're looking for me, I'll be there. In the same corner where my father is. If I am no longer there, if we lose each other, there is a bend in the road on the ascent to Izaga where I will always be waiting for you. Right in the wettest moment, under the rocky step, I'll be there whenever you need me, in my favourite spot, ready for us to talk for hours. The moss will be our couch, and the rocks the walls of our sanctuary. The murmur of the water will be our song and the trees will keep the secrets that only the birds can hear.

    Remember, my son, it is important, so that when you think I am no longer here, you know that I will still be present in that corner, where I will rest with my father, alive in the mountain, immovable, your refuge.

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