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    Marc-André Leclerc in his own way in "The Alpinist": a tribute to his life

    "The Alpinist", Marc-André Leclerc
    "The Alpinist", Marc-André Leclerc

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    The American filmmaker Peter Mortimer has been directing mountaineering, climbing and adventure films since 2003. One day became interested in the life of the Canadian Marc-André Leclercand in the commitment of his solo ascents.

    "The Alpinist ("The Mountaineer") became the result of the filmmaker's interest in, along with Nick Rosen, becoming one of the few who managed to record Leclerc's career before his death.

    The Canadian's life was a fascinating one and in the film is proof of this. Solo climbs, unprotected, on climbs of great commitment. He knew that what he was doing had risks, the possibility of his life ending exactly as it did was very high; yet nothing stopped him, there was no fear, there was just a complete surrender to feeling free and living in his own way.

    "The Alpinist" is was released on 10 September in US currently not available on any of the streaming.

    Daring climbs

    The synopsis of the documentary makes clear the Canadian's refusal of any approach from the media, brands or teams of any kind.

    Leclerc was committed to cold peaks, with Patagonia, Argentina, being the scene of his greatest achievements.

    During the 2015 was set in the cold south of Latin America.on 21 February of the same year managed to climb Cerro Torre alone for the first time. on one of the less travelled roads, called the "Corkscrew.

    At the time, the specialised media reviewed the climb, highlighting that on the route he encountered a lot of ice and glass, in addition to the fact that his bag got stuck at many points.

    Cerro Torre has an altitude of 3,133 metres above sea level.. Its exact location is the eastern edge of the Patagonian Ice Field. The area is not formally delimited, as it is located in the border between Argentina and Chile.

    The life of Leclerc

    The Canadian began climbing at the age of nine, when he first climbed a climbing wall in a shopping centre. Subsequently joined the Project Climbing gymlocated in Abbotsford.

    In the filmmaker's initial search for the climber, he found that his partner was also a climber, and that their way of life was as different from the ordinary as their way of climbing vertiginous mountains..

    He had no mobile phone or vehicle. He lived with his girlfriend Brette HarringtonShe is also a renowned mountaineer, who is currently active in keeping the work of her late partner in the memory of all.

    Among Harrington's campaign to highlight the mountaineer's name is his participation in the aforementioned documentary. Four days after the release of "The Alpinist in cinemas, thanked on social networks the team that made it possible.

    The failed attempt at Mendenhall Towers

    At 2018 Leclerc decided to climb the Mendenhall Towers, Alaska. The journey began with Georges Johnson.

    Both had as their plan ascend the north face of the main tower of the frozen areaHowever, they were not heard from again at one point. The 5 March 2018 was the last time information on the mountaineers was available.Leclerc even posted his last photo on Instagram that day.

    In the publication, a large landscape can be seen next to what were his last words in the world of social networks.

    "Rare live update here... That's Mt. Fairweather in the distance."he wrote.

    The search started on 7 MarchThe two were due to return. Rescue helicopters attempted to search for the bodies of Leclerc and Johnson alive, but bad weather prevented this from being possible. They were declared dead nine days later.

    The Canadian's parents had organised a crowdfunding campaign to raise enough money to cover the rescue efforts.

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