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    BANFF Mountain Film Festival's Spanish tour kicks off


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    • The prestigious mountain film festival will screen 8 renowned audiovisual projects at five national stops.
    • Jaca opens the tour this weekend with the presence of Marta Jimenez, protagonist of an unprecedented BASE jump in the Torreón de los Galayos.

    The Spanish tour of one of the most veteran and prestigious mountain film festivals in the world is back. The BANFF Mountain Film Festival World Tour lands in our country with a careful selection of renowned screenings, as well as talks, workshops and outings that complete the programme of each of the stops scheduled for this 2024. First with three events in the Aragonese and Catalan Pyrenees: Jaca (1 and 2 March), Castejón de Sos (15 March), Benasque (16 and 17 March) and Vielha (29 and 30 March), and then travel to Zamora (4 May), closing a calendar that could still add more dates.

    During the weekend, at each stop will be screened 8 audiovisual works related to extreme sports, travel, adventure and nature. Highlights include Chronoceptionthe story of a 3-week skiing and snowboarding expedition through the unexplored mountains of Asia; or SoundscapeThe short climbing film received the BANFF's own Creative Excellence award.

    Beyond the screen, every Thursday, the programming of each locality will be opened by the free participatory workshop "How much do you know about snow and avalanches? given by ACNA (Asociación Conocimiento Nieve y Aludes). Other workshop, two conferences and the Meet & Greet will complete the offer for mountain lovers at each venue.

    In the case of Jacawhich is the ninth time it hosts a BANFF stop in Spain, the star was to be Alex Huber with a lecture on Saturday and a Climbing Masterclass on Sunday. Finally, and due to force majeure, his place will be taken by another interesting lecture by Marta Jiménezwho, together with his partner Eric de Cima, has made the first BASE jump of the Torreón de los Galayos. He will show the making of the jump, "The icing on the cake", and will give a masterclass on mountaineering at the Indoorwall in Jaca on Sunday 3.

    After Jaca, the tour will continue in the Aragonese Pyrenees with the visit to Castejón de Sos (15 March), where there will be a Cine Forum of Abriendo Camino Vol.1, with the athletes of the FEDME Women's Mountaineering Team 2022-2024. And on the weekend, the action will move to Benasque with the screening of the audiovisual works, talks, workshops and the exhibition Rowaling, which will be travelling and will also travel to Vielha.

    In Vielha (Lleida), the BANNF's tour of the Pyrenees will come to an end at the end of the month. With the same audiovisual programme, as well as -among other things- the conference "Atracció Instintiva" by Miquel Mas and Marc Subirana, who will close the tour with his practical workshop on glacier roping and crevasse self-rescue techniques for users with or without prior training.

    The tickets for all the screenings, workshops and conferences in the Pyrenees are already available. Scheduling and ticketing for the scheduled stop in Zamoraon 4 May at the Teatro Ramos Carrión, will be performed by coming soon. Run, they fly.

    About the BANFF Mountain Film Festival World Tour

    The BANFF Mountain Film Festival is the international festival of reference in mountain, adventure and extreme sport films that has been held annually - since 1976 - at the Banff Centre in Alberta (Canada). Once it has finished, it travels the world with the BANFF Mountain Film Festival World Tour, which tours dozens of countries and accumulates thousands of screenings. In 2016 it came to Spain for the first time, where it is accompanied by a programme of activities related to the mountain world in what is a complete cultural and sporting programme. The tour in Spain is possible thanks to the support of the Canadian Embassy in Spain, the town councils of Jaca, Benasque, Castejón de Sos and Vielha e Mijaran, as well as the Conselh Generau d'Aran. Also to the sponsorship of Leatherman, Bestard, Osso, Sinner, Mammut, Indoorwall Jaca, Inturmark Hotels and Sommos Hotels. As well as the collaboration of ACNA and the ski resorts of Candanchú, Aramon Cerler and Baqueira-Beret.

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