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    "Transiting the Matrix: Building the change we want to see in the world".

    "Transiting the Matrix: Building the change we want to see in the world" / Photo: Abigail Keenan
    "Transiting the Matrix: Building the change we want to see in the world" / Photo: Abigail Keenan

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    In this review we present the essay "Transiting the Matrix: Building the change we want to see in the world".which proposes points of view on the society in which you may find interesting.

    This essay reflects on the challenges of today's society, What are the great "evils" of the world? Are they environmental damage and social injustices?

    One of the premises of the book is that the society we live in is a reflection of the people we are; we are the people who nurture, consent, fight or abandon the systems through which we relate to each other and the economic models that sustain them, and who decide what relationship we have with nature. Another of the premises on which the book is based is that despite our "imperfections", all people are perfect; there are no "good" or "bad" people.

    According to the World Happiness Report 2018, the average happiness of people on the planet scores 5.3 on a scale of 10The EU's approach is to give a fair pass, although there is a great deal of geographical variability and even within one country there are big differences. So, Won't our great challenge be to create the circumstances for all people to be happy?

    Several scientific studies suggest that once a minimum level of income is exceeded, more money does not bring more happiness. However, the objective of most societies and their economic systems continues to focus on economic growth as the engine of development, despite the fact that some voices advocate degrowth as a safeguard to ensure living conditions on the planet.

    The essay argues that the "evils" that manifest themselves as obvious as social injustices or environmental degradation are a reflection of the internal malaise felt by many people.We are also suffering from a generalised dissatisfaction. Until we change ourselves, it will be difficult to achieve deep and sustained change. If you want to know the tools for action that each one of us can put into action, you can download the free essay of <> 

    Transiting the matrix

    The author is Leire IriarteShe is a researcher in sustainability and a social entrepreneur. If you want to follow her reflections on social media you can visit her website LinkedIn , Facebook y Twitter .




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