The best hiking routes in Extremadura
READ ALSO: The best trekking routes in Spain".
Extremadura, one of the most unspoilt regions of Spain, is made up of the provinces of Cáceres and Badajoz. The sierras of Cáceres and Badajoz are one of Spain's lesser-known regions and a gem for hikers and nature lovers; a delightful mix of rugged mountains, gently rolling hills, deciduous forests, deep river valleys, olive groves and shady pastures, all criss-crossed by thousands of trails. Magnificent birdlife and a variety of heritage sites, from cave paintings to monasteries, contribute to the charms of this region.
They can be done from different places as base camp, such as San Martín de Trevejo, Gata, Hervás, Jerte, Jarandilla de la Vera, Montánchez, Guadalupe, Almoharín, Mérida, Alange, Hornachos and Monesterio.
Practical guide
When to go?
September to June for the Northern and Central Sierras. Snow may occur in December and January in the Northern Sierras. October to May is the best time for the Southern Sierras.
Cities & Services
San Martín de Trevejo, Gata, La Garganta (Hervás), Jerte, Jarandilla de la Vera, Montánchez, Almoharín, Guadalupe, Mérida, Alange, Hornachos, Monesterio.
To be seen
- Sierras del NorteThe Jálama Peak, Jañona Peak, Puerto de Castilla, El Chorrituelo de Ovejuela (the highest waterfall in Extremadura), La Muela, Cascadas Nogaleas, Los Pilones, Valle del Jaranda.
- Central HighlandsCastillo de Montánchez, Cerro San Cristóbal, Aljibe in the Sierra de Santa Cruz, Pico Venero, Guadalupe.
- Sierras del SurCave paintings, Alange reservoir, Hornachos castle, Tentudía peak, Tentudía monastery, Aguafría peak, Aguafría castle.
The routes
Walks, mainly circular (from 6 to 19 km), explore the Sierras, hills and oak forests, crossed by thousands of kilometres of ancient trails. It includes the Jerte Valley, the mountain village of Montánchez, Guadalupe and Monesterio.
The Northern Sierras: The Central System
Sierra de Gata
- San Martín de Trevejo and the Sierra of Eljas
- Jálama Peak
- Puerto de Castilla and Pico Jañona
- Castle of Almenara and Sierra de las Jañonas
- Robledillo de Gata and Ovejuela
Sierra de Béjar
- La Garganta and El Nevero
- La Muela and the forest track
- The route from the valley to La Muela
Sierra de Gredos
- Nogaleas waterfalls in the mountains of Tras la Sierra
- Hike 10 Los Pilones and Puente Sacristán
- Jerte to Puente Nuevo in the Sierra of Tormantos
- Los Papúos Bridge in the mountains of Tras la Sierra
- The Jaranda Valley
- Guijo de Santa Bárbara and El Trabuquete
The Central Sierras: The Toledo Mountains
Sierra de Montánchez
- Arroyomolinos
- Torre de Santa María to Montánchez
- Tower of Santa María and the windmills
- The oak groves of Zarza de Montánchez
- Almoharín and the San Cristóbal mountain range
- The Sierra de los Alijares
- The Santa Cruz Highlands
Sierra del Campillo and the Sierra de Juncaldilla
- Cuernacabras Gorge
Sierra de Guadalupe
- Garciaz and Pico Venero
- Cabañas de Castillo to Navezuelas
- Navezuelas to Guadalupe
Sierra de la Pela
- Orellana de la Sierra
The Southern Sierras
Sierra de Peñas Blancas and Sierra de Juan Bueno
- La Zarza
Sierra Grande de Hornachos
- Hornachos
Sierra Morena
- Cabeza la Vaca and the Buitrera Mountains
- Monastery of Tentudía and Tentudía Peak
- Forest circuit in Sierra Tudía and its foothills
- Alto de Aguafría and the Aguafría Mountains
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