Baztan-Bidasoa footpath network. Navarrese Pyrenees
Today I come to you with a chronicle. Yes, a chronicle that I am very happy to write. A few months ago I told you that I had become part of the group of volunteers who altruistically maintain the footpaths in Navarre. (previous post). Here I will say that it is an example of how with fewer resources and with the enthusiasm and passion of many people a network of GRs is maintained, which means the enjoyment of a large public, and, this we must not forget, the infrastructure in the form of routes that support hiking tourism.The nature, which is very well received in the accommodation in the mountains of Navarre, and in this case in the Baztan region.
"Trails as the backbone of a tourist and economic offer for the mountains of Navarre, in areas that have seen their traditional economic activities evolve into a commitment to tourism as a revitalising resource".
Well, this Saturday 5 November the Baztan-Bidasoa sections were inaugurated. on which the efforts of the GR trail maintenance and recovery plan had been focused.
Trekking the Bidaosa and GRT 5 Kulunka Bidea
The region of Baztan-Bidasoa, Navarrese Pyreneesis criss-crossed by several Gran Recorrido (long-distance) trails: the GR 11-Pyrenean Path (trans-Pyrenean path through Spain) and GR 10 (trans-Pyrenean path through France) together with the GR12 (Euskal Herria footpath).
The E. GR 11 - GR 12 links are now open, or Bidaosa trekking (Y-shaped route linking the GR11 from Bera/Lesaka and Lakaingo Lepoa with the GR12 in Uztakorta) , together with the GR12 in Uztakorta. GRT 5 Kulunka Bidea (linking the GR11 in Elizondo and Argibel with the French GR10 in Buztanzelai), in the configuration of alternatives between the GR and cross-border paths.
"1.- E. GR 11 - GR 12 or Bidasoa Trekking LinkGR 11 - GR 12, in the form of a "Y" linking the GR 11 with the GR 12 in Navarre.
The total distance of the Bidasoa Trekking will be 137.80 km. This way there will be the possibility of doing the route partially or totally, with different options of start and end, services, passing through different towns of Baztan Bidasoa."2.- GRT 5 Kulunka/Kulunkaren Bidea trail GRT 5 trans-Pyrenean link, in the shape of a T, which joins the French GR 10 in the upper Izpegi area with the GR 11 in Navarre at Quinto Real. A beautiful route of 28.6 km that runs along the border and watershed of the upper Baztan area bordering on Alduides, the vehicle accesses are at: Izpegi and Elizondo. Possibility of linking up with: GR 10 in Bidarray or St. Etienne de Baigorry, GR 11 and GR 12 in Quinto Real".
Here is the image of the Navarre Federation of Mountain and Climbing Sports (FNDME) with how the network of paths in Baztan-Bidasoa would be configured (don't you have several days to put on your boots? ;))
Now open many opportunities in the area for the hiking loverIn addition to the trans-Pyrenean route, there are circular routes, loops, the Bidasoa Trekking, as it has been called; an opportunity to get to know the traditions, culture, nature and history that await you in the Baztan-Bidasoa region. In one day or in several stages, by road, forests and villages to discover it is not going to be.
The Baztan-Bidasoa network of Gran Recorrido trails is inaugurated.
It was inaugurated on Saturday 5 November. A rainy day that did not deter the authorities, volunteers, enthusiasts, mountaineers, all of them, that We gathered at the Izpegi pass for the launch of this network of paths. which was completed with the new links and sections.
In a row of umbrellas - and this is literal - we walked through the woods that gave way to meadows to reach Nekaizko Lepoa.This was the end of this walk under the rain of the Baztan; a walk that inaugurated a network of paths that will surely bring great wealth to the area.
Already under cover, in the Puerto de Izpegi inn, a few words that gave officiousness to the event put the icing on the cake to the inauguration ceremony.
Iosu Janizes from Navarre Institute of Sport and Youth spoke of the importance of improving and maintaining trails and making them known. The INDJ collaborates with the Navarre Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing in the recovery and maintenance of trails and GRs.
For its part, Patxi Sáenz of the Product Development Section of the Department of Tourism in NavarreHe stressed the importance of the promotion of footpaths and said that a selection of 25 footpaths in Navarre will be presented at the FITUR - International Tourism Fair - in January 2017.
Antonio Turmo of the Footpaths area of the FEDME added the importance of the link between hiking and tourism and how it is beginning to be given vital importance by many administrations.
He also remarked Mikel Albisu the value of the "footpath as an interesting resource for tourism" on behalf of the Agrupación Turística Baztan-Bidasoa Tourism Elkargoade.
The event was also attended by the Fédération française de randonnée pédestre (French Federation of Pedestrian Hiking)which, in the words of Andre berrotte conveyed the importance of these trails in establishing cross-border links in the Pyrenees mountain range.
Martin Montañes president of the FNDME praised the work of all the volunteers who, with few resources, allow Navarre to recover and maintain the GR footpaths. In the case of Baztan-Bidasoa, he pointed out that "the union between the GR footpaths, as well as the rings of exterior footpaths, will allow the creation of a transversal network of some 200 kilometres".
Josu TximenoThe trails spokesperson of the FNDMEto close with the presentations, he announced that the next State Conference on HikingThat's all there is to it!
And the speeches gave way to lunch, which the attendees had well earned after that walk in the rain. It seemed to whet the appetite a little 😉.
All in all, it was a good day.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!