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    Camino de Santiago with dog

    Walking / Pixabay

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    If you are interested in making the pilgrimage to Compostela and you don't want to leave your pet alone, you should know that it is possible to make the pilgrimage to Compostela. Camino de Santiago with a dog, just be aware of a number of recommendations to consider before you set out on your journey and along your chosen route.

    Advice before setting off on your journey

    The main issues you need to take care of before embarking on the Camino de Santiago with a dog, are as follows:

    Physical preparation

    Just like the owner, your dog also needs to be in good physical condition beforehand, because the The Way of St. James will be very hard for both of them.

    It is advisable that a couple of months before the to undertake the Camino de Santiago take the dog for long walks at a brisk pace, aiming for approximately 20 kilometres a day, morning and evening.

    It is suggested to alternate between dirt tracks, stone or carriageways in order to strengthen their pads. Products are also available that are applied to the paws to harden them to prevent further injury and bruising.

    Another tip is to deworm both internally and externally. An anti-parasite tablet can be used internally and a flea and tick pipette should be applied externally. It is important to keep the dog with its anti-tick collar during all the stages, since it will pass through areas where these insects abound and it is also possible to meet other dogs during the whole Camino.

    Backpack Preparation

    On this occasion, in addition to the basics that you should carry in your backpack, you have to take into account everything you need for your dog. Among the items that your pet will require are:

    • Documentation of the animal. The veterinary health certificate and the document proving that the animal has been vaccinated against rabies.
    • Lead and harness. The use of this accessory is recommended because too much time tied to the collar can cause damage.
    • Canine mackintosh.
    • Quick-drying towel. It is suggested to bring one that is specific for the dog.
    • Foldable drinkers. Made of waterproof fabric, they are very useful due to their light weight and size.
    • It is advisable to carry about two kilos of feed in ration bags.
    • It is useful for mixing feed with other foods.
    • Deposition bags. Because we will be passing through some urban areas where pet waste must be collected.
    • Dog footwear. In order to give protection to the dog's pads.
    • Pad cream.
    • In case the animal has to spend a night outside.

    Canine Credential

    From 2018, dogs that complete the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela can obtain, like their owner, the Credencial or Compostela Canina, also called the Perregrina.

    It works in the same way as the conventional Pilgrim's Credential. That is, it must be stamped during the Camino and in Santiago, its delivery must be coordinated with a person responsible for the Asociación Protectora de Animais do Camiño (APACA).

    What is the best route to do the Camino de Santiago with your dog?

    Although most of the routes can be done with a dog, the most recommended is the Sarria route, due to the ease of access and the presence of lodgings that allow the entry of animals.

    How to get to Sarria with a pet to do the Way of St. James

    To get to Sarria in order to make the Camino de Santiago with a dog, There are several options, which are described below:

    By train

    • If you are in the vicinity, this is the only means of public transport that allows you to travel with your dog regardless of its size. The only requirements are that your dog must be on a leash and if it is over 10 kilos, it must wear a muzzle. Another advantage of this means of transport is that the dog travels free of charge.
    • On medium and long distance trains, only dogs weighing less than 10 kilos may travel on these trains. They must travel in a carrier measuring 60x35x35 cm. On most of these trains you have to pay an additional fee for carrying your pet.

    By bus

    If it is not a guide dog, your pet must travel in the hold in a carrier, which does not seem very convenient, as it will be without comfort and will be hit by the luggage of other passengers throughout the journey.

    By plane

    On low-cost airlines, dogs are not allowed to travel with dogs in any form. On other airlines, very small dogs may travel in the cabin in a carrier (maximum 8 kilos and with prior authorisation). All other dogs may travel in the hold for an extra charge.

    By car

    Using a private car to travel to the start of the Camino is the most comfortable solution. If this option is not available, it is possible to rent a vehicle or hire a trip through specialised companies.

    Advice on the Camino de Santiago

    If you are already in the Camino de Santiago with a dog, and it is physically and equipment-wise prepared, certain aspects need to be considered in order to avoid inconveniences:

    Leave it loose or on a leash

    It is recommended that these two options be alternated, as during the Way of St. James There will be areas where the dog can run free and in other areas you have to walk close to roads where it has to be controlled.

    Another important issue is the adaptation to the long distances of the stages. During the first few days, it is necessary to be more careful when tying it up, as it can run out of control and get tired quickly, but after a few stages, the animal itself will dose its energies.


    It is recommended not to modify its diet, but the daily food ration should be increased, as the dog's physical effort will be greater than any it has made so far.

    If during any stage the dog does not want to eat at all, a suitable solution is to give him some food reinforcement. At the end of the stage, the dog should be given its daily food ration.


    It is essential that the dog is allowed to drink a sufficient amount of water. It is essential to carry his own water bottle to fill his water bowl, as well as being able to control the amount of water he drinks. Water should be given progressively so that it is not wasted, as the dog needs to be hydrated.

    Care of the pads

    It is important that the pads of these dogs are kept moisturised. To do this, at night before going to bed, apply specific creams for this purpose. This will allow them to rest while the ointment works and in the morning they will be ready to start a new stage.

    If you choose to wear animal shoes, it is important to use them when walking on paved roads, such as asphalt or concrete. These types of finishes damage the dog's pads. When walking long distances, boots should be put on last, as the pads become irritated and softened, making them more delicate.

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