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    Descent of the river Sella

    Descent of the river Sella / Photo: Lolo Gomez San Emeterio (via Wikimedia Commons)
    Descent of the river Sella / Photo: Lolo Gomez San Emeterio (via Wikimedia Commons)

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    Adventure activities are very popular in the Asturian area, and the well-known river Sella is characterised by offering all kinds of activities of this type. Descending this river has become an attraction touristespecially through the last part of this (from Arriondas to Ribadesella), with the latter stretch of the river having more than 15 kilometres fully navigable. The currents in this area are really gentle, so canoeing is very appealing. The Descent of the Sella is an internationally recognised and sought-after event held every year at the beginning of the year. August.

    Also known as the "Canoe Festival"The decline has almost 90 years of historyhaving been declared Festival of International Tourist Interest. Canoeing is not only practised here, as canoeing is also widespread. You can witness a water party with hundreds of people canoeing down the river. If you are experienced you will want to go canoeing, but if you are going for the fun of it, it is advisable to get a multi-person canoe to enjoy with your friends and family. I remember that the minimum age limit was 5 years old. You can take short breaks during the trip to have a swim or have a snack at the different stalls set up for this purpose. Remember that it is essential to know how to swim in order to do the activity, as there is a high probability of tipping over in complicated areas. It is not a race, so the longer you take to complete the section, the more fun you will have. Once the route is finished, you can continue participating in different activities.



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