How to get to Pico del Águila
You can reach Pico del Águila by car, which is located in Huesca.
You must walk through the depression of Arguis if you want to reach this great natural monument. This depression was built by a long-lived reservoir and is surrounded by different buildings mainly dedicated to tourism: the Interpretation Centre of the Sierra y los Cañones de Guara Park, for example. If you take the path again, you can reach the top of what is known as the Mesón Viejo, a small hostel that was used for many years as a resting place for the numerous travellers.
From here you will have to follow a properly asphalted path that will take you, ascending, until you are walking along the beautiful summit of our destination, where you will be able to observe, apart from the beautiful views, a television repeater -it couldn't be all wonderful-.
After stopping here, we will have to cross, going round it, the small "vaya" that will be on our left, and on the other side we will see what is known as "La Cruz del Águila" (Eagle's Cross).
From here we have a very good panoramic view: the Hoya de Huesca to the south, the wonderful Besué valley to the east, Arguis and the peaks of As Calmas to the west and, finally, a wonderful image of the Pyrenees to the north. In the foreground, and numbering from right to left, we can see Canciás, Santa Orosia-Otúria, Monte Oroel and, lastly, San Juan de la Peña.
In the distance we can glimpse peaks completely covered in snow, such as the small mountain range that runs from Navarre to Ribagorza, to give an example.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!