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    How to shit in the bush

    How to shit in the bush / Photo: Dave Robinson
    How to shit in the bush / Photo: Dave Robinson

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    One of the most vexing questions for hikers or those who want to go camping, is the issue of how to going to the toilet in the forest and nature, isn't it?

    This issue is something that worries everyone much more than storms or blisters! Bear in mind that humans have made nature their bath for centuries and there has been no shortage of tricks. Much has been written on the subject.

    If you want more information on the subject or if you simply want to make a funny gift, you'll have to take a look at the world-famous book How to shit in the bush (Click here to buy on Amazon).

    Going to the toilet in the forest: defecating

    Before heading to your outdoor resting place, make sure you have the supplies you need and learn about the proper techniques to follow. In the meantime keep in mind that you will need the following accessories:

    • Toilet paper and hand sanitiser.
    • Sealable plastic bag
    • Shovel camp to dig a hole.
    • Solid waste bagespecially if you go to an area where "burying" waste is not allowed.

    On the other hand, you will have to finding a place to relieve yourself. To do so, follow the steps below:

    1. Choose a place 60 metres from the trail, camp and another 60 metres from a water source.. If you wish, choose brush for privacy and observe your surroundings to make sure you can find your way back to your campsite or trailhead.
    2. If possible, find loose, rich soil in a sunny location. Both of these conditions help to break down debris more quickly. Use a camping shovel, stick, rock or boot heel to drill a hole approximately 10 centimetres wide and 20 centimetres deep.
    3. If the ground is too hard or rocky for digging, try to lift a rock and use that point. Replace the stone when you are done or carry your waste in a bag.
    4. Clean your hands with a little hand sanitiser.

    What about toilet paper? If possible, use as little toilet paper as possible in order to reduce toilet waste.. It is recommended that you throw the waste in the hole or in a waste bag. Other people use moistened towels, but you have to remember to put them in a rubbish bag after use.

    Going to the toilet in the forest: how to pee

    Choose a site that is away from your trailhead or campsite! A great way to organise the space in which you will pitch your tent - you will need to comply with the free camping rules of the area - is that a group can choose to designate separate locations for 'toilet' facilities. When choosing a specific site, consider the following depending on where it is located:

    • Camps near small areas of waterNever go directly into a small pond, stream or lake. Always move about 60 metres away from the water.
    • Camps near large bodies of waterIf you are in a rafting group camping along a very large river, it is advisable to urinate directly into the water. This is because the volume of the river will dilute it, and the camping area avoids becoming too saturated.
    • At Alpine areasIn mountainous areas it is recommended to urinate on a rock surface.

    In the case of women, they have some very specific advice. It is recommended that you find a soft, earthy place that will absorb urine quickly and not splash. In addition, it is recommended that you squat down and make sure that your trousersThe use of a shoe lace, boot laces, straps, etc., should not disturb you when you urinate and pay attention to the slope of the ground on which you stand.

    You can carry a few pieces of toilet paper or tissue and a small plastic bag with a zip. Put the used toilet paper in the bag and empty the paper in the toilet when you get home.

    General hygiene tips in nature

    Besides the obvious need to keep your hands clean (elements of nature can cause intestinal ailments), there are a few tips to keep in mind when it comes to going to the toilet in the bush.

    Firstly, always carry a hand sanitiser or wet wipes. It is recommended that you use it after defecating and before handling food, just rub it in like soap and water! 

    To protect the environment (and especially when you are going on a long journey), remember to using water sources sustainably

    1. Never soap directly in a lake or stream.even if it is a biodegradable soap. This can harm aquatic life.
    2. If you choose to use soap, do not use a perfumed soap, use one that is biodegradable.
    3. Take off your sunscreen and insect repellentas they pollute the water.
    4. After washing, throw the dirty water on the ground.
    5. It carries a small, quick-drying towel not to pollute with paper towels.

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