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    Kungsleden: the "King's Road" in Sweden

    Kungsleden Trail / Photo: Shyguy24x7 [CC BY-SA 3.0] Wikimedia Commons
    Kungsleden Trail / Photo: Shyguy24x7 [CC BY-SA 3.0] Wikimedia Commons

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    The Kungsleden (King's Road)The 460 km long Abisko - Hemavan trail is Sweden's most famous long-distance hiking trail. It crosses the Lapland, approximately half of the route lies within the Arctic Circle. It was established by Svenska Turistföreningen in the early 20th century. Since then it has been visited by hikers from all over the world.

    READ ALSO: The best trekking routes in Sweden". 

    Kungsleden passes through a varied landscape across Lapland. There are dramatic changes along the way between alpine terrain and low-lying mountain birch forest. A journey along Kungsleden takes you through green mountain heaths surrounded by tarns and rugged peaks, and the route also passes through several mountain villages.

    The Kungsleden runs through five national parks (Abisko, Stora Sjöfallet, Sarek and Pieljekaise), including Sarek. Other highlights include the impressive glacial valley of Tjäktjavagge and the famous hay meadows of Aktse, perfectly framed by the blue delta of Lájtávrre and the sculpted face of Skierrffe. It shows an ever-changing landscape of snow-capped mountains, deep glacial valleys, open waterfalls, lakes and forests.

    Reindeer herding takes place all along the trail, so we must show respect for this activity in the mountain villages along the route.

    The trail is well signposted and there is basic infrastructure such as small bridges that will help you to easily overcome obstacles such as the frequent streams that we will encounter.

    Practical guide

    When to go?

    It is best to walk between late June and early September.

    Where to sleep?

    STF (the mountaineers' association that manages the network of huts) has 16 mountain huts along Kungsleden, separated by 10-20 kilometres. There are no STF huts between Kvikkjokk and Ammarnäs, but other types of accommodation are available.

    Although camping opportunities are plentiful, three of the five sections of the trail are equipped with cabins (many with tents and saunas) making them easily accessible to all. Many choose to use the huts on three of the sections of the trail to minimise weight. The remaining two sections are more remote.

    Cities & Services

    Abisko, Kebnekaise Fjällstation, Nikkaluokta, Saltoluokta, Kvikkjokk, Jäkkvik, Adolfsström, Bäverholmen, Ammarnäs, Hemavan

    The most common places to start or end trekking along Kungsleden are Abisko, Vakkotavare, Saltoluokta, Kvikkjokk, Ammarnäs and Hemavan. If you start in Nikkaluokta, it is a 2-day hike to get to Kungsleden.

    Not to be missed

    Five national parks, including Sarek, Kebnekaise (Sweden's highest peak at 2098 m), Hemavan, Abisko, Nikkaluokta, Lapland Mountains, Arjeplog Fells, Aktse, Syterskalet and Tjäktjavagge. Abisko, Nikkaluokta, Lapland Mountains, Arjeplog Fells, Aktse, Syterskalet and Tjäktjavagge.



    The 460 km route is presented in 28 stages. There is the option of the popular Abisko to Nikkaluokta itinerary, which can be completed in a week, and an ascent of Kebnekaise, Sweden's highest peak at 2098 metres.

    • Stage 1 Abisko to Abiskojaure
    • Stage 2 Abiskojaure to Alesjaure
    • Stage 3 Alesjaure to Tjäktja
    • Stage 4 Tjäktja to Sälka
    • Stage 5 Sälka to Singi
    • Stage 6 Singi to Kaitumjaure
    • Stage 7 Kaitumjaure to Teusajaure
    • Stage 8 Teusajaure to Saltoluokta via Vakkotavare
    • Alternative 1 Singi to Nikkaluokta (final alternative part 1)
    • Alternative 2 Kebnekaise Peak
    • Stage 9 Saltoluokta to Sitojaure
    • Stage 10 Sitojaure to Aktse
    • Stage 11 Aktse to Pårte
    • Stage 12 Pårte to Kvikkjokk
    • Stage 13 Kvikkjokk to Tsielekjåkkå
    • Stage 14 Tsielekjåkkå to Gistojávrátj
    • Stage 15 Gistojávrátj to Gásakláhko
    • Stage 16 Gásakláhko to Vuonatjviken
    • Stage 17 Vuonatjviken to Jäkkvik
    • Stage 18 Jäkkvik to Luvtávrre
    • Stage 19 Luvtávrre to Bäverholmen
    • Stage 20 Bäverholmen to Tjiegnatisjávrrie
    • Stage 21 Tjiegnatisjávrrie to Rävfalls
    • Stage 22 Rävfalls to Ammarnäs
    • Stage 23 Ammarnäs to Aigert
    • Stage 24 Aigert a Serve
    • Stage 25 Serve to Tärnasjö
    • Stage 26 Tärnasjö to Syter
    • Stage 27 Syter to Viterskals
    • Stage 28 Viterskals to Hemavan

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