The best trekking routes in Sweden
You may be interested in: The best trekking routes in Europe "
Åre is a charming village in the Swedish mountains, also known in the world of skiing.
- Blanktjärnsrundan (11.8km 217m 3-5h, difficulty: medium)
- Helagstoppen (31.8km 1,836m 8-12h, difficulty: high)
- Hållvallens chalet - Ottsjö (12.4km 774m 4-6h, difficulty: moderate)
- Mullfjället (11.3km 590m 4-6h, difficulty: medium)
- Nulltjärnsrundan (9.1km 161m 2-3h, difficulty: easy)
- Platåleden- Hållvallens chalet (15.3km 878m 4-6h, difficulty: moderate)
- Ristafallsrundan (10.5km 138m 2-3h, difficulty: easy)
- Storulvån-Sylarna (32.9km 1,111m 10-12h, difficulty: high)
- Välliste runt (9.7km 507m 2.5-3h, difficulty: medium)
- Åreskutan (14.7km 976m 4-6h, difficulty: moderate)
Great crossings in Sweden
You can enjoy hiking in the mountain ranges of Sweden:
- Áhkká
- Scandinavian Alps
- Sälka
- Sylan
Sweden's most impressive places for trekking and mountaineering:
- Abisko
- Sarek
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