Hydration in the mountains
One of the most important points, and one that must never be forgotten, is the hydrationwhen practising mountain sports, and in general when practising any physical activity. Internal body temperature rises considerably when performing continuous, high-intensity physical activities. And when the body temperature rises, sweating becomes a quick and necessary solution that the body finds to cool itself down.. This represents a significant loss of water from our organism, and that is why when carrying out physical activities in the mountains, and in general, large quantities of water should be consumed.
Hiking trails or mountaineering activities, anywhere, usually last more than an hour, and as a direct result there is an increase in sweating, which can be quite noticeable and which can lead to changes in the blood, making it thicker and more viscous, which as a consequence leads to poor physical performance, or perhaps intense heat, kidney malfunction, etc.
This is why good hydration is fundamental, it is a rule that should never be broken; the body is made up of two thirds water.
It is important to consider these two aspects of hydration:
1- Always hydrate beforehand: If you are about to start a physical activity in the mountains, don't forget not only to drink water during the activity, but also before you start. It is recommended to drink 2 to 3 litres of water daily a few days before starting any activity that requires a lot of energy. The body must be hydrated before starting a physical activity. demanding.
2- Hydrate during the activity: While walking, exercising, and enjoying the mountain scenery it is essential to consume water, it is advisable to drink about 250 millimetres of water per 30 minutes of activity And don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water or fluids, because believe it or not you will be dehydrated by that point.
A a clear and direct sign of dehydration is the colour of the urine.The clearer it is, the more transparent, the better hydrated you are. When sweating the body automatically eliminates sodium, chlorine and potassium, which are necessary minerals for the body. In order to recover those minerals lost during exercise, you can prepare a home recipe which is made from: 10 grams of salt, plus the juice of half a lemon, plus 60 grams of sugar, all added to a litre of fresh water. This preparation can be consumed throughout the tour, so you will be hydrated and have a fun and unforgettable experience, and of course well hydrated. Of course there are also on the market isotonic drinks qThey will help you to replenish lost minerals.
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