Suitable footwear for Nordic walking
Nordic Walking, also known as Nordic Walking, also known as Nordic Walking has been considered, according to many specialists, as one of the most versatile sports there is. Nordic walking is an endurance sport that is done outdoors, and consists of walking with the help of two walking sticks. Although it is a sport that has its origins in the early twentieth century, it seems that now, in the nineteenth century, it is having its greatest boom.
This exercise does not require any technical equipment other than those mentioned above. walking sticks, sportswear and appropriate footwear. The necessary accessories seem simple and austere, but their precise choice is essential.
As it is an exercise that helps people to walk properly and to step correctly, there is no doubt that it is necessary to choose the right shoes. Thus, in addition to being able to perform the activity correctly, the physical wear and tear will be less.
How to choose the best footwear.
Today, the market for sports shoes is a world with a lot to offer. all makes, models and prices and it is quite difficult to choose one model over the other. In a society where aesthetics seem to be the most important thing, functionality is often overshadowed.. However, regardless of the brand of shoe, there are some criteria to follow when buying. It is highly recommended not to buy the first model you find, as there is such a wide variety that it may not be suitable for your characteristics.
There are many models, some of which are designed for running but are very well suited to running. nordic walkingsuch as the Salomon Sense Pulse (Click to view) (female model).
The crucial and most logical criterion is to choose the right size. One size larger or smaller can cause discomfort and injury to the feet.. That criterion is the most obvious, but some of the following criteria may not always be taken into account. These are the most important factors that should be taken into account and that will help you to choosing the right footwear:
- Protection: All the weight of the body falls on the ankles and toes. In order to minimise the suffering of the foot during long hikes, it is important to pay attention to the protection offered by the shoe. Both the heel as well as the toe tips must be well protected. The heel has to be supported in order to be able to make the movements with great ease. stability. On the other hand, the toe should also be properly protected, because you never know when you will run into a stone or some other obstacle. In addition, you should also pay attention to the cushioning offered by the sole. It should be thick enough so that the foot does not notice any imperfections in the ground. The choice of a shoe with more or less cushioning depends to a large extent on your weight.. A light person does not demand a great impact against the ground from the feet, so with little cushioning the stride will be more agile. A heavy person, on the other hand, hits the last of the foot against the ground with great force with every step. Consequently, more cushioning will alleviate the shock considerably. Nowadays, shoes are often equipped with both gel and air cushioning systems.
- BreathabilityThe foot can breathe, it is also a way of protecting the foot. You should always make sure that the shoe has holes through which a little air can flow. This way sweat will be much less. The breathability will also help you when your feet get wet, for example when you step in a puddle. Thanks to these small pores, drying will always be quicker and more satisfactory. Sweat will also dry more easily. Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid annoying blisters on the last of the foot. However, it is always advisable to have the following in your wardrobe waterproof shoes for rainy days.
- FlexibilityThe flexibility of the shoe is the ability of the shoe to bend and mould to the shape of our feet. The flexibility of the shoe is synonymous of comfort. A stiff, hard shoe will make walking considerably more difficult. However, if the shoe is soft and easy to manipulate, the foot will settle better and physical fatigue will be reduced. The more flexible the shoe, the more comfortable you will walk. If the footwear is flexible, it can easily adapt to your stride and your movements will be more comfortable.. In addition, the skin on the feet is quite delicate, especially on the heels. If the shoe you buy is flexible, injuries and blisters caused by rubbing will be considerably reduced. It is recommended that the shoes you choose for Nordic Walking are made of low caneThe stiffness of these boots also makes them even more tiring to wear. Their stiffness also makes physical fatigue even greater.
- AdherenceThe grip of the sole is essential to be able to walk safely and comfortably. The sole, being the part of the shoe that is in contact with the ground, should have good grip on all types of terrain and conditions. A grippy outsole gives security and confidence in every step you take. The relief of the studs If you plan to walk on asphalt, it is recommended that you choose shoes with a lightly lugged sole. However, if the activity is to be carried out on more imperfect terrain, the cleats should be more pronounced. Lugs are more suitable for trails, rocky tracks and slippery terrain. This way you can avoid the danger of slipping and injuring yourself.
With these defined characteristics it is clear that only the aesthetics of the shoe is of no use. AnBefore buying a pair of shoes, make sure that they meet all of the above criteria. On the other hand, don't skimp on money, as it is your physical integrity that is at stake. If you choose your footwear according to the criteria, Nordic walking is sure to be a success.
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