13 tips to stay warm and sleep well in a tent

13 tips for staying warm and sleeping well in a tent / Photo: Yann Bervas
13 tips for staying warm and sleeping well in a tent / Photo: Yann Bervas

Sleeping outdoors is certainly a different experience, but that doesn't mean it's always pleasant. If it is sometimes difficult to fall asleep in the comfort of our bed, imagine being outdoors. The ideal is to go out prepared so as not to deprive ourselves of new experiences and to enjoy them as much as possible. 

The first time is probably the hardest, because we don't know what we're dealing with. Maybe in an episode of your favourite series the characters are camping and you have an idea of what you will find, but nothing compares to the reality.

Even if you're one of those people who fall asleep easily, no matter where you're caught, it doesn't hurt to follow a few tips when the plan is to go camping.

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for a day's activity in the mountains.

Due to the economic savings they represent, camping environments are widely used; in addition to the monetary advantage over a hotel, they allow the camper to be in direct contact with nature.

But when we will be in a tent for several days and we will be using a sleeping bagIf you are not used to it, your body will soon send out rejection signals, demanding the usual comfort again.

Remember that the night is for rest and if instead of replenishing our energy, we stay up late, get cold and don't sleep, we will hardly perform during a day of physical activity in the outdoors.

Night at Lacs d'Ayous, Laruns, French Pyrenees/ Photo: Yann Bervas
Night at Lacs d'Ayous, Laruns, French Pyrenees/ Photo: Yann Bervas

Alternatives for staying warm in a tent

Pay attention to the following tips for a good night's sleep when camping and make the most of your camping experience:

1. Wear a suitable jacket.

If you have a sleeping bag that doesn't protect you sufficiently, you're guaranteed a sleepless night. When buying a sleeping bag, don't just look at the model; in addition to quality and comfort, check the temperature it will provide so that you don't freeze in the early hours of the morning.

It would be perfect to have a bag that is 10-15 degrees warmer than the temperatures you will be exposed to while camping.

2. Urinate before going to bed.

When we empty our bladder, our body burns less energy to keep us warm, so it is good to urinate before going to bed. Another plus point is that if we go earlier, we don't have to get up in the early morning and therefore don't interrupt our sleep.

3. Cushion your mat more.

It is sufficient to place extra equipment under the pad, so that there is more cushioning between the person and the ground. As the idea is to be prepared, but not overloaded, a few extra pieces of equipment would be useful. inflatable mats or foam mats, which offer a high level of insulation, can be found in great variety on the market..

4. A hot water bottle.

It helps to keep the bag warmer for longer, no matter how cold the tent may be. Serve a plastic bottle, one of those that can hold water, juice or soda. Place it between your legs, touching the femoral artery and at a temperature your body can tolerate. This translates into safe rest.

If we don't want to put a bottle of water between our legs because it is uncomfortable, we can also pour boiling water into a plastic bottle, close it and put it at the bottom of the bag, perhaps covered with a cloth, to keep the area warm and not feel cold.

5. Protect your bag from moisture.

Keep it dry. If you've been hiking in the rain, think about your bag and protect it from getting wet.

6. Eat.

If the cold wakes you up at midnight, eat a chocolate bar to get your metabolism going.

Sleeping in the snow with our tent
Sleeping in the snow with our tent

7. Don't sleep in wet clothes.

Whether it is water or sweat, wet clothes should be removed from our bodies. If we want to rest and feel warm during the night, we must sleep in dry clothes.

8. Thermal or synthetic clothing.

They are perfect for keeping warm and not subjecting us to the low temperatures that freeze the body. They will help us to sleep warm.
Multi-layered clothing is ideal for sleeping in tents and keeping warm. From jackets to trousers and socks, they keep you warm for a pleasant rest. Several layers of thin clothing.

Balaclavas, gloves and long johns help to retain heat when sleeping in tents.

9. Maintain circulation.

While we must protect ourselves from the cold, we must not hinder circulation either. Remove any clothing that constricts blood flow and prevents you from sleeping comfortably.

10. Branches and leaves also work.

If the issue is that we don't have enough material to insulate the bag and keep us warm while we sleep, then take advantage of nature's bounty and opt for dry leaves and branches. Pile some under the tent, the results are good.

11. Exercise.

One way to keep the bursa warm is to do a round of squats and then lie down; in fact, each time you cool down, the exercise lessens the sensation.

12. Fill in the blanks.

The less free space left in the bag, the less likely we are to get cold. If the bag is too big, use some clothing to fill it, so that the layers help to keep you warm.

13. Snow tarpaulin.

If it snows, it is best to place a tarpaulin or other material such as pine branches between the ground and the tent, so that you are insulated and do not feel the cold of the ground.