Pico de los Infiernos (central)
Massif of Hell / Photo: Willtron (Wikimedia commons)
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Here 🔥Altitude: 3083m
Aragonese Pyrenees, head of the Panticosa and Gállego Valleys.
When to go:
From the beginning of June to the end of October.
Difficulties of the route:
Low difficulty, but not recommended for people with vertigo.
Complicated sections:
- On the final ridge there is an impressive precipice, but it is easy to climb. 4h to the summit or summits... as up to three peaks can be reached by cresting.
Recommended equipment:
- Sunglasses and sunscreen.
- Appropriate footwear.
- Walking poles can make walking and descending easier.
– Ice axe and crampons in winter conditions
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!