Discover the Pyrenees

A reference guide to the best outdoor, hiking, trekking and climbing adventures in the Pyrenees, a 400 km mountain range between France and Spain, from the Cirque de Lescun, on the edge of the Basque Country in the west, to the Carlit massif and the Cerdagne in the east of Andorra.

Through more than 400 kilometres, from the Cap de Creus to the Cantabrian mountain range, the Pyrenees have, since ancient times, been direct witnesses to the passing of history. According to local legends, this mountain range owes its name to Pirene, daughter of the mythological Atlas, who fell in love with Hercules himself on one of his incredible journeys. After the tragic death of the young woman, this hero of Greek mythology erected, rock by rock, a unique natural jewel to honour her memory, which has been preserved to this day. Its mountains are home to several peaks of over 3,000 metres, crystalline lakes, ancient glaciers, natural parks declared World Heritage Sites by Unesco, or bustling and pristine rivers that will make the traveller lucky enough to reach his own roots. Welcome to the ultimate natural paradise. Welcome to the Pyrenees.

With more than 217 peaks above 3000 metresthe Pyrenees are the dream of any lover of haute couture mountain. Summits such as the Posets (3375 m), Monte Perdido (3355 m), Cursed Peak (3350 m) or the Pica d'Estats (3143 m) have always attracted the most experienced mountaineers and climbers from all over the world. But if there is one that stands out from the crowd, it is without a doubt the Aneto (3404 m), the spearhead of the Pyrenees. In the higher areas we find the most southerly glaciers in EuropeThe last remnants of the glacial epoch. Among the most important and outstanding are the glaciers of Aneto or Maladeta, Monte Perdido or Infierno. Although they are scattered throughout its geography, there are more than 16 in the province of Huesca alone. Great tongues of ice, silent witnesses of our ephemeral passage through this world. According to the author Louis Audoubert, in the Pyrenees there are more than 2,500 catalogued lakes. This figure, although spectacular, is impossible to confirm exactly due to the infinite number of small areas hidden from the vast majority of mountaineers and which, depending on the time of year, can be dry or frozen. It is worth noting that, especially in Aragon, the small lakes of glacial origin of high mountain is called ibones. Among the most important we would highlight those of Tena Valley, Anayet, Blue (Panticosa spa) or Plan and the lakes of Saint-Maurice or Colomers. Gathering the infinity of snows and glacial waters, the Pyrenees is one of the most important in the world. rivers has all over Europe. On the Spanish side, some of the most important rivers are the Bidasoa, Aragón, Gállego, Cinca, Ésera, Segre, Ter, Llobregat, Muga and Fluvia. Around them, and especially in spring and the summer period, an infinite number of offers have been created for adventure tourism and water activities. These include canyoning and river rafting. Backwaters and lakes have also been adapted as bathing areas, providing a resource of great added value to the place and serving as an economic and development engine for the area.

Enjoy the Pyrenees this summer

Summer is the time when we attack the three thousands and challenge ourselves with climbing routes, but it also has other attractions, family excursions, nights in mountain refuges, routes to lakes and an endless etc...

Areas of the Pyrenees

Explore the different places in the Pyrenees.

Trail marked with blue paint of the Irati Trail. Photo: Enrique López

Navarre and Basque Pyrenees

Enjoy the beech forests of the Irati Forest and Quinto Real. In its westernmost part the routes mix mountain and sea.

Carros de foc: a high altitude trekking in Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park / Cotarelo75 [CC-BY-SA] Wikimedia Commons

Catalan Pyrenees

Glacial lakes in Aigüestortes, lush forests and the majestic Pica d'Estats, the highest peak in Catalonia.

Hikers in the Ordesa Valley. Behind Monte Perdido and the Pico de Añisclo or Soum de Ramond / Photo: Travesía Pirenaica

Aragonese Pyrenees

From the National Park of Ordesa and Monte Perdido to the lakes of Posets-Maladeta, each route is a new adventure.

Vignemale Massif / Photo: Jaufrai (Wikimedia Commons)

French Pyrenees

Follow the GR10 and enjoy the landscapes of the Hautes-Pyrénées and the Pyrenees National Park.

Trans-Pyrenees: GR11, French GR10 and Haute Route Pyrénéenne

The GR11, the French GR10 and the Haute Route Pyrénéenne are challenges for the most experienced hikers. Cross the Pyrenees from end to end and discover the diversity of its landscapes and cultures. From the gentle hills of the Navarre Pyrenees to the rugged peaks of the Central Pyrenees, each stage is a new adventure.

Practical guide


Routes in the Pyrenees

From family excursions to do with children to mountaineering routes in the magnitude of the great walls of the Pyrenees such as the Vignemal. Here you will find resources and information to enjoy an activity to suit you.

ROUTES IN FRANCE The best selection of routes in the French Pyrenees, ascents, hikes, etc.

ROUTES IN NAVARRA The best selection of routes in the Navarrese Pyrenees: ascents, hikes, etc.

ROUTES IN PARKS The best activities in National or Natural Parks in the Pyrenees.

ROUTES IN ANDORRA The best selection of routes in Andorra, ascents, hikes, etc.

ROUTES IN CATALONIA The best selection of routes in Catalonia: ascents, hikes, etc.

ROUTES IN ARAGON The best selection of routes in Aragon: ascents, hikes, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs Pyrenees)

It will depend on the activity to be practised: hiking, trekking, climbing, winter climbing, ski mountaineering, snowshoeing.

The time is very changeable between seasons (winter, summer). Winter lasts from November to April; summer activities between May and October, although snow can last until July; storms on hot summer afternoons.

If you are going trekking and hiking: from July to September for the routes in the High Pyrenees, from April to October for the routes in the western Pyrenees; and from May to October for the routes in the east of Catalonia.

  • In the Aragonese Pyrenees area you should not miss places such as Aguas Tuertas, the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Parkwith the Cañon de Ordesa and the Pineta ValleyThe monastery of San Juan de la Peñathe route of the Serrablo churches, Jaca or the region of Aínsathe Posets-Maladeta Natural Parkto name but a few of the hundreds of recommended sites.
  • In the Catalan Pyrenees, the CerdanyaAigüestortes National Park and the Aran Valley. are icons that you should not miss.
  • In the Navarrese PyreneesThe most important destination in the Pyrenees is the Irati Forestthe second largest beech-fir forest in Europe; the foces of Lumbier y Arbaiun; the valleys of Salazar and Roncal or Belagua. It would be a mistake not to visit the forest of Orgithe Baztan Valley or the natural park of the Señorío de Bertizthe reservoir of Leurtza or destinations such as the caves of Zugarramurdi or those of Urdazubi-Urdax.
  • In the French Pyrenees on Lescun Circus and Gavarnie are well worth a visit.

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