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    Surfing in Tarifa

    Surfing in Tarifa / Photo: pxhere
    Surfing in Tarifa / Photo: pxhere

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    Tariff is a fishing village on the Strait of Gibraltar, which separates the European and African continents. This region has excellent beaches of fine sand, where you can practice all kinds of sports for all levels. Due to its geographical location, Tarifa enjoys unbeatable wind conditions for windsurfing and other water sports, such as fly surfing or kite surfing, which are becoming increasingly fashionable. Winds from the Mediterranean, or Levante, and from the Atlantic Ocean, or Poniente, are accelerated in this area because of the natural bottleneck effect between the two continents.

    • Category: fly surf
    • DurationDepending on physical endurance. Tarifa's strong winds impose a higher physical expenditure than normal, so surfing days are usually shorter.
    • Difficulty: medium. Minimum fly surfing experience is desirable.
    • Approximate distanceIt is important not to go too far from the coast, as the sea currents are very strong in the Strait of Gibraltar.
    • PlaceLos Lances Beach (Tarifa)
    • Recommended time of year: April

    Playa de los Lances beach forms the Valdevaqueros inlet. When the Levante blows, in spring, it is the best time to fly on the surfboard, using the kite as propulsion. The winds in this area even allow you to hover in the air for a few seconds.

    In the surrounding area

    Spin out Los Porros: with easterly winds it is a fairly safe area due to the natural protection offered by the dune. In summer and Easter week it is a very busy place with a lot of atmosphere. It has a beach bar with a protected area for sunbathing and two rental schools (Spin-out and UCPA). Sandy bottom without rocks.

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