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    Camino de Santiago by kayak

    Kayaks / Pixabay

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    The most popular forms of pilgrimage to Compostela are on foot or by bicycle, but nowadays the number of pilgrims interested in making the pilgrimage has increased. Camino de Santiago by kayak. In this way, you have the chance to sail through breathtaking scenery and pass through clam and oyster farms.

    What you'll find if you do the Camino de Santiago by kayak

    Making the Camino de Santiago by kayak will allow you to see extraordinary landscapes and also to camp all along the route in breathtaking places in front of the sea.

    You can enjoy swimming, snorkelling, kayak fishing and beach barbecue in stunning seascapes with shallow bays, reefs and hidden white sandy coves in places.

    The last stage of the Camino de Santiago by kayak This is a 25 km walk to Santiago de Compostela, where you can join the many pilgrims who make their way to the famous cathedral and who made their journey on foot along the Portuguese Way. You will be able to apply for the unique certificate of having done this pilgrimage by kayak.

    Routes of the Camino de Santiago by kayak

    Then, you can read about the routes you can take from the Camino de Santiago by kayak. In some of them, no previous kayaking experience is necessary.

    The kayak traslatio route

    This is one of the best-known routes for doing the Camino de Santiago by kayak. This is the final route of the Spiritual Variant of the Portuguese Way. It is also known as the Maritime Route or the Route of the Sea of Arousa and the River Ulla.

    This route of the Camino de Santiago by kayak is the most popular for the agencies that organise trips in this modality. In some of them, this tour is combined with other sporting activities, such as snorkelling and hiking.

    If it is done by specialists, it is not necessary to have previous experience in kayaking. However, you do need to be able to swim and be in good physical condition to tackle this route.

    Certificate of accreditation

    This maritime route has its own certificate that guarantees the pilgrimage along the estuary. This document is known as Traslatio.

    The certificate is issued by the Pilgrim's Office in Padrón to all those who complete a minimum of 40 nautical miles. To obtain it, it is necessary to stamp the pilgrim's credential in at least three different locations between Pontevedra and Coruña.

    Portuguese Coastal Path by kayak

    The Portuguese Coastal Route is the route that runs along the Atlantic side of Portugal. This section of the The Way of St. James can also be done by kayak.

    However, not many agencies have this route in their offer of organised trips. To do the Camino Portugués de la Costa by kayak on your own, you must have experience in navigation and have the necessary equipment.

    In order to plan this route, the sea and weather conditions must be studied, as you will be sailing by sea.

    Camino de Santiago del Norte by kayak

    The Northern Way of Saint James is another of the coastal routes of the Camino de Santiago. It is therefore possible to do it by kayak.

    Due to the characteristics of the Cantabrian Sea, this route is recommended when the sea is calm. Normally, this occurs at the end of spring, summer and early autumn.

    The Way of the Beacons by kayak

    The Way of the Lighthouses is another of the routes that can be done by kayak. Although it is not considered a Jacobean route, if you do the kayak route and the pilgrimage on foot or by bicycle, from Finisterre to Santiago, you will be able to apply for the Compostela.

    This route runs along the Galician coastline known as the Costa da Morte. The sea in this area of Galicia is rough. For this reason, it is recommended that this experience is only done with an agency specialised in kayaking.

    When is the best time to kayak the Camino de Santiago?

    The best time to do the Camino de Santiago by kayak, is from late spring and summer, i.e. from May to mid-September. At this time, temperatures are usually higher, which means that the sun and heat are always with you during the tour.

    These months are also ideal because it is the holiday season, so you will find tourists from all over the world. Kayaking groups have generally experienced more adventures.

    By doing this route every day you will adapt to the kayak and you will see that it is not necessary to be in good physical shape or to have practised this sport before.


    Through the information you have gathered about the Way to Santiago by kayak, you can plan your pilgrimage in this mode of navigation. To do so, you need to make use of this information in order to evaluate the available routes and decide which is the most suitable for your interests.

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