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    "They/Them": A gender-conscious documentary about Lor Sabourin

    Documentary, They-Them, Patagonia
    Documentary, They-Them, Patagonia

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    Calling people by their names and respecting their sexual identity, also taking into account the pronouns by which each person asks to be called. From a mountain documentary it will be possible to understand the correct use of language and gender..

    "They/Them" is a documentary by the renowned production company Patagonia. (and outdoor branding). Released this year 2021, follows a journey by Lor Sabourin, a transgender climber, through the limestone walls of northern Arizona.United States.

    Sabourin's intention goes beyond climbing a mountain and writing it off as a professional and personal achievement. sought to create, at the end of the route, a space in which to build a climbing community in which each person can be freebe whoever you want to be. 

    Their story ends up being an example for those who do not yet have a clear understanding of the issue and an encouragement for those who fight against discrimination.The struggle often leads to depression and other consequences. 

    The documentary "They/Them" is available for free on Patagonia's YouTube channel.

    Who is Lor Sabourin?

    Lor Sabourin identifies as transgender and uses the pronouns they and them (elle and elles). He is attracted by the fact that climbing is a discipline that does not feel possible for everyone.

    Dio started climbing when he was only 12 years a gym in Detroit, Michigan. He says the practice has become a very important resource for managing stress and building your own community.

    The documentary that portrays her begins with a very powerful and important sentence: "How I wish I wasn't doing this alone.". The LGBTIQ+ community is often excluded.

    He completed his university studies at the Northern Michigan Universitywhere he studied Outdoor Recreation Leadership and ManagementHe then embarked on a career in the outdoor industry as a guide, gym manager y coach.

    As a Patagonia brand ambassador, Sabourin wrote on her Instagram account: "I am thrilled to join a team of inspiring athletes and activists who are using their platforms to strengthen their communities and find innovative ways to protect our home planet..

    What does "They/Them" mean for sport?

    The Transgender people are excluded from many sportsThe documentary provides an example of how to be inclusive in these disciplines. 

    For Sabourin it is important that the documentary conveys what sport means to all those who have been oppressed in their lives.. It means a space that creates safety and, when it comes to sports like climbing, it ends up being a liberating action. 

    Beyond sport, the documentary also aims at creating safe space in all social groups and tribes worldwide.The aim is to ensure that these people are never again excluded, that they are respected through something as simple as the use of a pronoun. 

    Patagonia says they are keen to support Sabourin on this path to inclusion. They comment that is a complex path and that discrimination will not be eradicated in a few days.months or years.

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