Hiking in extreme heat 🔥[Complete guide].
The heat is too intense, the sun gives no respite and to finish off, in this beautiful climate - ideal for sipping a caipirinha in the shade of a palm tree - you opted, as the staunch adventurer that you are, to embark on a hiking route, on the hottest days of the year. The more adventure, the more satisfied and happy you feel. Did you identify yourself? If you did, this article is for you.
👉 First of all, don't put your health or even your life at risk.. Yes, your life sounds a bit extreme, but the truth is that heat and dehydration are very serious factors that you need to pay special attention to.
Let's talk about how to stay safe and cool outdoors when temperatures are extremely high. However, when temperatures become dangerously high, the best thing to do is to stay in the shade and conserve our energy.. Still, if you find yourself looking forward to hiking, climbing or any outdoor activity in very high temperatures, these tips will help keep you cool and safe.
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🗓️ Plan ahead
Protecting yourself from the heat involves much more than avoiding an uncomfortable sunburn. Dehydration, heat stroke and heat stress can be serious consequences of not taking proper precautions when hiking in hot weather.
- ⚠️ Check weather conditions: Check a website or app to see what the temperature will be on the day of your excursion, so you don't get caught by surprise by the intense heat. [YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN: Thermal Sensation due to heat or humidity effect (Heat Index)]
- 📍Choose the right route: If the heat is too strong, the hiking trails Leave the more difficult ones for another time. Choose a route that has shady areas and water points, so that you can hydrate and refresh yourself. Assess the place you choose to do the walk, areas more exposed to the sun versus cooler areas due to the lush vegetation or the altitude at which the route runs.
- ⏰ Plan your departure time: There are two suitable times for hiking on very hot days. Very early or late afternoon, avoid hiking around 11:00 - 12.00 am. At this time the direct sun will increase the risk of skin burns.
- 👕 It carries the hiking clothing adequate: You might think that the ideal is to wear as little clothing as possible, but the truth is that everything has its nuances and recommendations. For certain treks we recommend wearing long-sleeved shirts, mountain trousers and a hat, all in synthetic material, as it absorbs moisture. Make sure it is as loose-fitting as possible, as this will allow for better airflow and keep you cool. You can take a look at our articles on >>>> "what to wear for trekking in tropical climates".. More on this later.
💧Hydration - it's not just about water
The correct hydration will always be the key to any sporting activity.But in the case of hiking in extreme heat, this is non-negotiable. Carry more water than you normally do, as your body loses more water through perspiration these days. The rule of thumb is that in hot weather you can sweat about a litre of water every hour and you will need to replenish it to avoid dehydration.
Dehydration problems should be avoided at all costs, as they can cause complications in brain function, leading to confusion and hallucinations. In addition, blood tends to thicken and this forces the heart to work harder. Here are some tips, so you don't have to deal with these problems.
- Hydrate before you go outA couple of hours before your route would be perfect.
- Don't ration water, drink whenever you feel thirsty, if you notice that your water supply is half full, it's time to go backdon't continue.
- Beer will never hydrate youOn the contrary, it can accelerate your dehydration process because it is a diuretic, the same goes for caffeine-laden energy drinks - save that mug of beer for the end of your adventure.
- Check your urineIf you are well hydrated, you will produce more light-coloured urine, but if your urine is dark and concentrated, it is an indicator of dehydration.
But hydration is not just about drinking water..
- Electrolytesin different formats can also help your body retain water. These can range from isotonic drinks that can be made at homefrom effervescent tablets that you add to water to help you retain hydration when you're losing a lot of water through sweat and heat, to powdered sachets that you can add to your water tank.
- There are tricks to keep your water freshWater bottles can freeze if you put them in the freezer overnight. You can also use an insulated water bottle, to keep your water cooler for longer.
⚠️ Prevents hyponatremia
Less is sometimes more. This means that you should drink as much water as your body asks for, but don't overdo it thinking it's best for you. Hyponatremia occurs when you drink large amounts of water and do not replenish electrolytes. Simply put, this means that your blood sodium levels plummet because you lose too much salt through sweating. This condition can cause seizures.
You must replenish electrolytes - as mentioned above - maintain adequate levels of sodium, magnesium and potassium.. Salt residue on clothing is a warning sign of hyponatremia; alternate water intake with sports drinks, which contain the electrolytes you need.
On the other hand, eats salted food that will help restore sodium levels in the blood, some good choices are nuts and trail mixes.
Be aware of the symptoms of heat stroke 🌡️😰
Don't be a fool, do your hiking trails for hot climates by following the advice given above, which in a nutshell is: plan ahead, wear the right clothes, listen to your body, eat and drink when your body asks you to, and avoid the symptoms described below from happening to you.
The heat stroke occurs when your body overheats, if you see you or a colleague having these symptoms, it is important to get immediate medical attention.
- Rapid pulse
- Weaknesses
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Nausea and vomiting
- Throbbing headache
- Confusion
- Disorientation
- Anxiety
- High body temperature (40 degrees Celsius or more).
Take regular breaks
Don't turn your hiking trails If you want to make them enjoyable, what you can do is take breaks in a shady spot, perhaps with a view that you will never forget, and where you can take advantage of the opportunity to drink water, eat something, reapply sun cream, and why not, take a photograph of the happy and smooth moment you are living, thanks to having put our advice into practice.
👕The importance of appropriate attire 👖
While it may be tempting to wear little on an extremely hot day, it can actually be worse. Opt for light sun protective clothinglike an ultralight jacket that protects your skin and provides UV protection. Think of how the Tuaregs are dressed in the Sahara, covered up to the eyebrows, well, I think their centuries of adaptation to the environment cannot be disputed.
To protect your face and shoulders from the sun, a sun hat is an excellent classic solution. In addition to hats or caps, a lightweight sun protection layer, such as a light jacket, can protect your skin and provide some direct UV protection from the sun. There are even UV neckerchiefs that not only help keep moisture away from your body, but also offer UV protection - and they come in fun colours!
- Technical clothing, your best allyCotton is often referred to as "cotton kills" in the outdoor industry. However, in hot climates, cotton may be suitable if you're relaxing in your shelter or campsite. But if you're going to sweat, opt for moisture-wicking and breathable clothing, such as synthetic fibres or fabrics that are wool.
- The cap or hat sun hat is a classic way to protect your face, and shoulders in the "desert explorer" versions of the hat, providing much needed shade for your body. It also protects you from UV radiation that can damage your skin.
- In addition, consider using a UV protective collar. These products are made from a moisture-wicking material, which means they will wick moisture away from your body to the outside of the fabric to help you dry faster.
- Prevents chafingWhen hiking in hot weather, skin friction can cause chafing. Consider using anti-chafing balms to prevent these problems. They are small, easy to carry and can prevent major discomfort on your route.
- Use innovative cooling products. A recommended product to keep cool is a cooling neckband. Just get it wet. As the water evaporates, the temperature of the water drops, providing the cooling effect we need in those hot moments.
Additional protection: 🧴Sunscreen and sunglasses 🕶️
Wear and carry sunscreen: Make sure you have a high protection sunscreen. Sunburnt skin will only make you unable to keep cool, plus you run the risk of getting skin cancer. And it can be very unpleasant...
Also, don't forget your sunglasses. Just as sunscreen protects our skin, sunglasses protect our eyes from sun damage.
These are just a few tips for staying safe and more or less cool when temperatures soar. These tips are useful even if you are just hiking in a place with a lot of sun exposure. Sun protection is crucial, and is something we all need to think about when out hiking in good weather. We hope you found these tips useful and that they will help you enjoy your outdoor adventures even in extreme heat.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!