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    Get fit for your next trekking trip: exercises and tips.

    Get fit for your next trekking trip: exercises and tips / Photo: Dmytro Matsiuk
    Get fit for your next trekking trip: exercises and tips / Photo: Dmytro Matsiuk

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    If you are faced with a trip of trekking If you're looking to improve your fitness and hiking skills, here's a compilation of some of the best hiking trails in the world. recommendations, tips and exercises to get in shape -even if you don't have the opportunity to leave the city.

    +Daily exercises

    In order to make the most of your time, any excuse or space you have to do some exercise will help, here are some examples.

    Climbing stairs

    Climbing stairs / Photo: Bruno Nascimento
    Climbing stairs / Photo: Bruno Nascimento

    Don't use the lift, try to climb as many stairs as you can, and if you do at least a few 5 daily sequencesmuch better.

    You can also do sequences at stair climbing speed.


    It's very easy to find a squatting space anywhere, so start with a pair of 15-repeat sequencesstretching the arms out in front of you when bending. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and sequences.

    Step exercises

    With the help of a small bench, a step, an exercise platform or simply a park bench, you can also do various exercises to strengthen your walking legs.

    A typical exercise is to step up; that is, standing on the ground, first put one foot up on the platform, and then push your whole body up with it; and if you use dumbbells or weights in your hands, even better, you will increase the intensity of the exercise.

    Another similar modality is this same exercise but at the moment of going up, lifting the knee of the raised leg as much as possible. In the same way 4 sequences of 15 series each will be a good place to start.


    If you find a nearby hillside or small hill, this is also an excellent place to exercise for your trekking activity. With your hands on your hips or at your sides, try to make your way quickly up the hill.

    It can be either uphill or downhill, but keep an upright posture, sequentially changing the supporting leg, and also practising breathing, trying to breathe in through your nose and out as you take a step.

    If you are already starting to get in better physical condition, you can also take up the challenge of running up a long hillsideor by doing several repetitions on a medium-sized repetition.

    Likewise, if you use the equipment and clothing you plan to bring on your tripIt will also help you to find out if you feel comfortable, or if you feel comfortable, or if your trekking shoes are being adjusted.

    +Doing cardio

    Doing cardio / Photo: Curtis Macnewton
    Doing cardio / Photo: Curtis Macnewton

    Cardio exercises will allow you to improve your physical condition, stamina and endurance levelThis is also very useful for a hiking trip; here are some examples of exercises you can practice.

    Practice Hiit (high intensity interval training).

    It's not always necessary to have expensive exercise equipment or a gym membership; if you don't have these services, or indeed if you don't think you have the time, Hiit can be an alternative for you, requiring only your body and a few minutes a day.

    This series of exercises essentially consists of sequences of high-intensity cardio exercises; the intention is to do fast, intense and increasingly faster activity, which will improve your ability, while also strengthening your physical capabilities.

    -From top to bottom

    While standing, stretch your whole body, pointing your arms upwards, then quickly bend until your palms touch the floor, and from there throw your legs backwards to do a plank. Then quickly return to the starting position in one movement, and so on for a few seconds. 10 repetitions as fast as you can. You can do more sequences, but allow at least 30 seconds rest between each one.

    Practise Hiit / Photo: Ayo Ogunseinde
    Practise Hiit / Photo: Ayo Ogunseinde

    -Running in your place

    With typical running-like movements, i.e. swapping your foot, but without moving from your place, and moving your arms as sharply as possible, this is another form of hiit sequence. Do it as fast as you can for 30 seconds, with breaks of the same length.

    -Scissor jumps

    Starting from a standing position, do a quick jump in one movement, until your feet are outstretched and your arms are stretched outwards, as if your body were drawing a star. Then return in one movement to the starting position - you can clap your hands to set the rhythm - but try to keep a few seconds of your body in a single movement. 30 sequencesAfterwards, you should also allow a few seconds of rest before starting a new series.


    Bicycle / Photo: Brandon Wong
    Bicycle / Photo: Brandon Wong

    Either with a real bicycle or a static one to make spinningYou can also exercise for trekking adventures. The stationary alternative has the advantage that you can more easily and safely perform high-speed sequences, which will also allow you to strengthen your cardiovascular system.

    But exercising outdoors also has its advantages, for example if you train on trails in hilly or wooded areas.

    To strengthen muscles

    You can also carry out various exercises to strengthen specific muscles. For the hiker it is essential to maintain strong legs and back, So doing sequences that allow you to improve your musculature in these areas of the body will also be of great help.

    To strengthen muscles / Photo: Trust Tru Katsande
    To strengthen muscles / Photo: Trust Tru Katsande

    There are multiple gym equipment available for these goals, but running is one of the most accessible ways to strengthen these areas. You can also do cardio exercises, such as running at high speed for 100 metres, then jogging another 400 metres, and so on for as long as possible.

    +Food and supplementary information

    It is, of course, advisable to design exercise routines with the advice from your personal doctorDepending on your health conditions, weight and age, these recommendations can be accentuated or lightened, defining routines that are suitable for your particular situation.

    You may find it useful to smartwatch or device to know at all times your heart ratewill help you to keep your effort within the recommended limit.

    In addition, the feeding is another essential factor to take care of in order to optimise your training results. In this sense, minimising the consumption of trans fats, processed foods, tobacco and alcohol will be of great help, as well as maintaining a complete, balanced diet with sufficient protein, vitamins, fibre and calories to compensate for the extra exercise load.


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    One Comment

    1. I'm already working on my fitness!
      I am lucky to have the bush nearby and that helps a lot.

    Comments are closed.