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    Video: Iceland, a Kayaking Adventure

    Video: Iceland, a Kayaking Adventure
    Video: Iceland, a Kayaking Adventure

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    Iceland is a rich history, culture, arts, Vikings and, above all, wilderness.

    Although we are talking about a beautiful country, in this opportunity we will give an emphasis to its rivers and waterfalls; some of them world famous, like the one of SvartifossOne of the most beautiful free falls in the world. We will be able to appreciate a lot of virgin land which fascinates every nature lover.

    In this exciting video we will see and hear how the world-renowned Serraslses brothers -Aniol and Gerd - ventured into these beautiful lands.

    Briefly, for those who don't know who these brothers are, they are some of the best and most recognised adventurers in the world, fanatics of kayaking and adrenaline lovers. Thanks to the advances of the 21st century, their adventures can be shared with us, so we can see those beautiful landscapes and impossible kayaking routes.

    The Serraslses brothers share with us images from this beautiful country, what it was like to kayak on these cold Icelandic rivers.The adrenaline rush and daring. However, we will find not only moments of adrenaline and excitement, but also moments of calm in which to appreciate the beautiful scenery that Iceland has to offer.

    Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!

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