The five best trail running youtubers in Spanish
Nowadays, YouTube is one of the media that allows users to know almost immediately what is happening in any field. The field of trail running is no exception to this, and people have been constantly joining the platform with channels dedicated to reporting on this sport. Below, you can read who they are the five best trail running youtubers in spanish.
The five best trail running youtubers in Spanish
Although new creators of mountain sports related content are appearing on YouTube every day, the following are listed below top five trail running youtubers in Spanish so that through its channels you can visualise the content related to this activity that exists on the platform.
Javier Ordieres
The corridor Javier Ordieres has in recent years become one of the most important the trail running youtubers in Spanish and has even reached other countries. On his eponymous YouTube channel, people can find a variety of topics, including trail running, nutrition, tips, experiences, travel and training.
He is a mountain runner in long-distance races, a lover of training and cycling. In addition, Ordieres lives each of his experiences to the fullest and has been able to transmit his love of sport and the mountains to the more than 100,000 subscribers who follow him on YouTube.
His passion for sporting activities began at a very young age with cycling and then in 2013, during his time at university, he started in the world of sporting races and the trail runningwhen I was living in Germany for work purposes.
Nowadays, the training videos it has generated, as well as the training calendar, have been very successful. This is because they enable people to exercise and reduce stress levels through the screen.
Juan María Jiménez Llorens
He is a passionate sportsman, runner, trainer and coach. trail running youtuberJuanma, an ultratrail and running athlete better known as Juanma, has more than 70,000 followers on his YouTube channel since 2006.
He has been involved in sports all his life, but it was in 2011 that he decided to focus on long-distance running after seeing a video of the arrival of the Mont Blanc ultra trail.
Juan María Jiménez Llorens has obtained important triumphs in his sporting activity such as being present on the podium in the TDS of Mont Blanc and in the Oman Desert Marathon. He has also taken part in a large number of renowned races and won some of them.
On the channel that bears his full name, he adds new videos every day and keeps his followers up to date with the latest developments in running, training and equipment. In short, he presents his thoughts on the field of mountain running, always keeping a fun and personal tone, as well as being very careful with the making of the videos.
Sergio Sanchez
On your channel, Sergio Sánchez Trainer, trail running coach with a degree in CAFD, offers practical advice, training, running techniques and virtual classes to the 31,600 people who have subscribed to his YouTube channel.
You can also find on the channel numerous videos on the equipment necessary for the practice of this mountain sport, showing the models that exist and how to use them.
Sergio Sanchez joined YouTube in 2016 and the aim of the channel has been to present some of the basic concepts and training routines used as part of trail running fitness.
In addition to now being one of the best known trail running youtubers in Spanish, Sergio also has a website through which he publishes his workouts and manages online fitness training for runners of all levels.
Nacho Mingo
He is an amateur runner and nature lover, who has been a YouTube fan since 2014, and who, from the channel with the same name, Nacho MingoHe presents his daily activities and how he has been able to achieve the goals he has set for himself in trail running.
It is included in the best trail running youtubers in spanish, because to date it has 30,400 subscribers to its channel and its content is based on offering practical advice on plans, workout routines and nutrition supplements.
It is also oriented to show interesting information about the most recent trail running races, as well as about the necessary and most suitable material to achieve good results in this mountain sport.
Mayayo Oxygen
Since 2008, this YouTube channel, named after its creator mayayo oxygenshows detailed information about mountain, trail running and ultra trail races taking place on various continents.
Through this channel you can also find a large number of interviews with the most relevant practitioners of these sports around the world. In addition, it publishes what is the latest on the market with regard to materials and equipment.
As of today, 23,400 followers have subscribed to the channel on the YouTube platform. Therefore, it can be considered as one of the most popular the five best trail running youtubers in spanish.
Mountain running enthusiasts find YouTube an excellent platform to find accurate information about the sport. The five best trail running youtubers in Spanish are in charge of keeping their followers informed on a daily basis about the races that are going to take place, what is the latest trend in equipment or the best tips for a good physical preparation.
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