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    Escalábrate, the first climbing card game set in the Aragonese Pyrenees

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    A climbing board game? That's right. Escalábrate is the project carried out by these two friends from Huesca: Patricia Chesa Tierz and Iris Bartolomé Mange, which arises from their passion for board games, nature and mountain sports. The result is a game with a simple dynamic based on climbing, which can be taken anywhere.

    All the content of the game, from the original idea, the dynamics and the instructions to the illustrations and its digitalisation, is the work of its authors.

    The process has not been easy, says Iris: "Our creation process has been long but very exciting, learning at every step. We have both been involved at every stage and have been shaping the project until we have achieved the final result with which we are very happy.

    In our journey we have encountered different obstacles: the difficulty of finding a publisher, being able to calibrate the game properly and our own insecurities as first-time authors. Finally, we managed to team up with Carlos, from Scribo Editorial, who has helped and supported us at all times and, above all, who has materialised the game".

    How to play Escalábrate:

    The aim of the game is to be the first person to reach the meeting. The basis of Escalabrate is the "step" cards, these will allow you to advance, and the "action" cards will help or hinder your ascent. In addition to this, there are various other elements such as dice, energy meters and tokens.

    This game is aimed at anyone (although we recommend over 8 years old) who wants to enjoy a fun day in the best company, at any time and place. By playing, the children will discover the world of climbing with some of its key elements and encourage respect for nature.

    Playing a game of Escalábrate.

    The game is now on sale:

    Escalábrate has been on sale since 15 October. You can find it in shops, on the website of scriboeditorial or on his Instagram: @escalabratepirineos.

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