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    Stress tests in mountain sports
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    In order to practice mountain sports (at certain levels), one must assess one's capabilities and rule out the presence of any health problem that could endanger one's life if this sport is practised on a constant basis. For this reason, a prior medical evaluation is necessary and a fundamental element in this is the stress tests in mountain sports.

    What is the stress test?

    The stress test is a test whose function is to determine the athletic capabilities of each athlete or person, such as thresholds, their capacity to recover from physical exertion or their potential for exertion, as in the case of mountain activities.

    A stress test is divided into two parts:

    • A part measuring the sporting performanceThis part analyses both the oxygen being consumed and the CO2 being expelled and results in a series of graphs with which it is possible to estimate maximal oxygen consumption and thresholds. This part is of particular interest to physical trainers, as it allows them to evaluate performance.
    • The other part of the test determines in real time the electrical activity of the heart and it records blood pressure, speed and the slope of the treadmill. The most important aspect is to measure the level of physical exertion based on heart rate. This part is of particular interest to doctors.

    The stress test in the prevention of sudden death

    In recent years, due to the boom in mountain activities, the number of cases of sudden death has also increased. In order to prevent sudden death in competition, a model medical assessment prior to participation in a sporting event or activity. This model has already been tested in other countries and aims to reduce cases of sudden death by detecting cardiac problems that can cause sudden death.

    In the specific case of the Italian model, it consists of a series of progressive examinations ranging from basic electrocardiograms to stress tests performed on athletes. The tests are carried out according to the results obtained and have been useful for detecting potential causes of sudden death that were never diagnosed. Similarly, events are detected that could become potential causes in the future and require continuous monitoring for their control.

    Experience has shown that carrying out such tests prior to an activity or competition is an effective preventive measure, as lives are saved through such a simple and effective test. medical history that was performed on the person and that electrocardiogram that was performed on the person.

    Aspects of interest in the stress test

    When should the stress test be done?

    It is always a good time to take a stress test. Within high physical demand activities, for those who do not follow planned trainingIf you have any problems, it is recommended that you take the stress test as soon as possible in order to rule out problems.

    For those people who carry a planned trainingIt is best to do it a week before the start of the phase where the highest intensities are reached. In this way you will be able to know your thresholds in order to programme your training.

    Under what conditions is the stress test performed?

    • Eat a light meal two to three hours before the test.
    • Anyone taking the test should do light training in the 24 hours prior to the test.
    • Avoid consumption of stimulating substances such as coffee or ginseng.
    • Sportswear must be worn for the event, as well as a change of clothes and a towel.
    • Do not take medication, as the values to be studied may be altered.

    How is the stress test performed?

    • Generally, the equipment used in this type of test is the treadmill.
    • Once the person has climbed onto the treadmill, the speed will be progressively increased for about 15 minutes, until the maximum effort of each athlete is reached.
    • Because of the high level of stress involved in this test, it is recommended that an electrocardiogram be performed beforehand.


    In addition to giving you confidence in the activity you are doing, the mountain sports stress test will tell you whether you are really ready to achieve a specific goal.

    A stress test should be included as a prelude to a training period. In this way, it is possible to obtain valuable information, both for your own safety - health - as well as to improve performance and set target levels.

    SOURCES: Safety & Rescue / Made in Mountain

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