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Stage 22v (GR11.5): Refugio de la Renclusa - Refugio de Cap de Llauset
Alternative - Main Route: Pte. de San Jaime - Ref. de Cap de Llauset

Distance/elevation: 11.3 kms / (+1,117m),(-829m).
Time: 7h30min (walking time without stops).
Difficulty: High-mountain stage. The highest part of the stage passes between huge boulders making progress tricky. Salenques pass is usually covered in an ice field which lasts all year round (crampons are essential). This was not the case in October 2017, but the remains of the ice field were thick ice. Another option when ice persists in late summer is to clamber over the rocks on the right.
Water: Apart from the lakes, you will not find many opportunities to get water. On the way up, there is a stream once past the Barrancs pass and another one higher up that can be heard among the boulders. After Salenques pass, on the climb to the Estany de Cap de la Vall, you come across another stream.

(0h00min; 0kms) Refugio de la Renclusa (2,140m). Beyond the drinking fountain you come to a GR11.5 signpost that indicates left, where you leave the route that climbs up to Aneto.

(0h20min; 0.6kms) Collado de la Renclusa (2,282m). The path heads down to Plan d'Aiguallut, crisscrossed by numerous streams running down from the right flank of the valleys of Barrancs and l'Escaleta. Once you reach the bottom, if you do not already know it, we recommend a detour to the Forau d'Aiguallut and the waterfall. To get there, you can take a shortcut across the river, or otherwise, follow the GR11 to the end of Plan, where there is a series of foot bridges.

The Forau d'Aigualluts is a Karstic drain hole into which waters from the river Ésera filter, which in turn have sprung from the glaciers on Aneto and Maladeta. The waters reappear 3.6 kilometres away, but incredibly not in this valley but in the valley of Arán, on the Atlantic side, meaning these are the only waters in Aragón that do not run into the Mediterranean. Learn more.

(0h55min; 2.3kms) End of Plan d'Aiguallut (2,036m). A signpost signals the crossing that, to the left, leads you back to Forau d'Aiguallut and La Besurta, and uphill (south), to the Collado de Salenques and Cap de Llauset auberge. Climb southwards up the valley of Barrancs. The terrain starts to become awkward due to the presence of boulders. On the first stretch of the climb you walk alongside a stream.

(2h15min; 4.8kms) Colladeta de Barrancs (2,481m). To the left of the pass lies Turonet de Barrancs (2,508m) and hidden behind it, the Barrancs lake. In the distance you can make out Salenques pass, where the renowned Salenques ridge commences on the right.

The rock-climbing route from the Cresta de Salenques to the Pico de Margalida (3,239m), and its continuation on to the Pico Tempestades (3,278m) and Aneto (3,404m), is undoubtedly the best-known classic ridge climb in the whole of the Pyrenees. Its difficulty is not excessive D(IV+), but the length of the route (2.5kms of continuous difficulties coupled with 750m of elevation gain) make it a supreme challenge for any pyreneist.

The GR11.5 heads onwards, following the cairns among the chaos of boulders. Shortly after the pass, you walk past a stream. Further up, with a little luck, you will be able to catch water coming from a subterranean current you can hear running among the boulders, at around an altitude of 2,650m. Over the last section of the climb to the pass you will encounter a snowfield that persists pretty much all year round (although this was not the case in October 2017). To get past it will require the use of suitable equipment such as an ice axe and crampons. Depending on the conditions and your own experience, it can be avoided by climbing the rocks to the right.

(4h05min; 6.3kms) Collado de Salenques/Ixalenques (2,809m). The views are formidable. The GR11.5 descends slightly to the right – past scree – down a steep slope towards the valley of Salenques. The descent ends at about 2,560m. It then continues along the right flank, skirting the ridge that comes down from Punta Russell Oriental (3,051m). You have the opportunity to get water from a stream shortly after getting round the spur. The terrain continues to be tricky as you make your way to the...

(6h00min; 8.9kms) Estany de Cap de la Vall (2,660m). Walk round the left shore of the lake and reach a small col (2,702m). To your right is the Estany de Cap de la Vall, while to the left – much further down – lies the Estany Negre. The GR11.5 heads left (SE) without losing height, as far as another col (2,676m), to the west of Tuca de Anglios (2,813m). From this pass you can make out the auberge at Cap de Llauset. Rather than walking straight down, you cross the hillside (SE) of Tuca de Anglios, until you follow the buttress that brings you down to the...

(7h10min; 10.8kms) Collado dels Estanyets (2,524m). At this point, the variant GR11.5 that you have been following, joins the main route. To the left the route continues past the Estanys de Anglios towards the auberge at Conangles, and to the right you are about to finish your stage at the nearby...

(7h30min; 11.3kms) Refugio de Cap de Llauset (2,425m).

Where to sleep:

At the beginning of the stage, Refugio de la Renclusa (/).

At the end of the stage, Refugio de Cap de Llauset (/).


Parque Natural Posets Maladeta (Scale: 1/25,000)
Valle de Benasque. Aneto, Maladeta, Posets, Perdiguero (Scale: 1/40,000)
Aneto-Maladeta (Scale: 1/25,000)
Vall de Barravés Ribagorça (Scale: 1/25,000)
Aneto-Maladeta (Scale: 1/25,000)

Perfil de la etapa

Stages - GR11

- Prologue: Cabo Higuer - Hondarribia - Irun
- Stage 1: Cabo Higuer - Bera
- Stage 1v (GR 11.3): Cabo Higuer - Lesaka
- Stage 2: Bera - Elizondo
- Stage 2v (GR 11.3): Lesaka - Elizondo
- Stage 3: Elizondo - Pto de Urkiaga
- Stage 4: Puerto de Urkiaga - Burguete
- Stage 5: Burguete/Auritz - Villanueva de Aezcoa/Hiriberri
Stage 6: Villanueva de Aezcoa/Hiriberri - Ochagavia
Stage 7: Ochagavia - Isaba
Stage 8: Isaba - Zuriza (via Belabarce)
Stage 8v (GR 11.4): Isaba - Zuriza (via Ezkaurre)
Stage 9: Zuriza - Aguas Tuertas
Stage 10: Aguas Tuertas - Lizara
Stage 10 (discontinued): Aguas Tuertas - Candanchú
Stage 11: Lizara - Candanchú
Stage 12: Candanchú - Sallent de Gallego
Stage 9v (GR 11.1): Zuriza - Puente de Santa Ana
Stage 10v (GR 11.1): Puente de Santa Ana - Lizara
Stage 11v (GR 11.1): Lizara - Canfranc Estación
Stage 12v: Canfranc Estación - Sallent de Gallego (via C.Izas)
Stage 13: Sallent de Gallego - Refugio de Respomuso
Stage 14: Refugio de Respomuso - Balneario de Panticosa
Shortcut: The pipeline path from Bachimaña to Brazato
Stage 15: Balneario de Panticosa - San Nicolas de Bujaruelo
Stage 16: San Nicolas de Bujaruelo - Refugio de Goriz
Stage 17: Refugio de Goriz - Circo de Pineta (Fuenblanca)
Stage 17v (GR11.9): Refugio de Goriz - Circo de Pineta (Faja de las Olas)
Stage 18: Circo de Pineta - Parzán
Stage 19: Parzán - Biadós
Stage 20: Biadós - Puente de San Jaime
Stage 20v (GR 11.2): Biadós - Ref. Ángel Orús
Stage 21v (GR 11.2): Ref. Ángel Orús - Puente de San Jaime
Stage 21: Puente de San Jaime - Refugio de Cap de Llauset
Stage 21v (GR 11.5): Puente de San Jaime - Refugio de la Renclusa
Stage 22v (GR 11.5): Refugio de la Renclusa - Refugio de Cap de Llauset
Stage 22: Ref. Cap de LLauset - Conangles
Stage 23: Conangles - La Restanca
Stage 24v (GR11.18): La Restanca - Colomers
Stage 25: Colomers - Ernest Mallafré
Stage 26: Ernest Mallafré - La Guingueta
Stage 27: La Guingueta - Estaón
Stage 28: Estaón - Tavascán
Stage 29: Tavascán - Areu
Stage 30: Areu - Baiau
Stage 31: Baiau - Arans
Stage 32: Arans - Encamp
Stage 33: Encamp - Ref. l'Illa
Stage 34: Ref. l'Illa - Malniu
Stage 35: Malniu - Puigcerdá
Stage 36: Puigcerdá - Planoles
Stage 37: Planoles - Santuario de Nuria
Stage 38: Santuario de Nuria - Refugio de Ulldeter
Stage 39: Refugio de Ulldeter - Molló
Stage 40: Molló - Talaixà
Stage 41: Talaixà - Albanyà
Stage 42: Albanyà - La Vajol
Stage 43: La Vajol - Requessens
Stage 44: Requessens - Vilamaniscle
Stage 45: Vilamaniscle - El Port de la Selva
Stage 46: El Port de la Selva - Cap de Creus

Selección: Piolets
Glacier Literide
320grs (50cms)
Nepal S.A.
440grs (58 cm)
Tour-X Pro
470grs (55cms)

Map of the stage

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